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Candice Reeves

Candice Reeves is a financial writer and editor based in Nova Scotia. She holds a degree in Public Relations from Mount Saint Vincent University, and her work has been featured in leading publications across various industries, including CryptoVantage, The Quintessential Man, and The Greenest. In her spare time, Candice is researching her way to financial freedom, diving into personal finance and investing with both feet. In the rare moments that she’s not writing or expanding her financial literacy, you can find Candice sipping coffee and listening to podcasts next to the nearest body of water.


Female investing using Wealthica

Wealthica Review: Portfolio Tracking

Candice Reeves July 11, 2024

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Man holding on to shopping cart with percentage balloon lifting the cart and a large exponential arrow with a price tag

How to protect yourself from inflation in 2023

Candice Reeves October 31, 2023

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Young woman comparing Questrade vs Virtual Brokers

Questrade vs. Virtual Brokers

Candice Reeves July 11, 2024

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Young adult comparing Wealhtsimple and ModernAdvisor on laptop

Wealthsimple vs. ModernAdvisor Review

Candice Reeves July 11, 2024

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Business people investing in Canadian ETFs

Best Canadian ETFs

Candice Reeves June 4, 2024

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Person calculating witholding tax

Withholding tax: everything you need to know

Candice Reeves April 21, 2023

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Woman adding receipts for tax

What receipts should I keep for taxes?

Candice Reeves April 21, 2023

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Man filing taxes at home

What is the Canada training credit limit?

Candice Reeves May 29, 2023

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Drawing of a person looking at a house with a magnifying glass and a coin coming out of the house

Canadian Homebuying Guide 2024

Candice Reeves July 11, 2024

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Man comparing stocks vs bonds

Investing in bonds vs stocks

Candice Reeves April 6, 2023

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Image of a man pushing a scale toward green for credit

How to build credit

Candice Reeves October 31, 2023

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Smart city and connection technology concept

Exodus Review

Candice Reeves July 11, 2024

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