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A photo of freelance writer Julia Stratton.

Julia Stratton

Julia is a freelance writer who specializes in personal finance and sponsored content. Her work has been featured in The National Post, RATESDOTCA, and The Queen’s Journal. She holds a Bachelor of Science from Queen’s University and worked at The Queen’s Journal as a writer and editor for two years. Julia is now set to start the Master of Journalism program at Carleton University in September 2023.


Drawing of a male student standing between a balance scale with school books on one side and loan debt on the other side to portray student loan repayment

Your guide to student loan repayment in Canada

Julia Stratton July 11, 2024

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Drawing of a woman in front of a alrge calendar with a date marked off, a calculator, and a man holding a large pay check in frame

On-demand pay: what is it and should you use it?

Julia Stratton July 11, 2024

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drawing of a man rolling a suitcase with a hand holding an umbrella over his head and a plane in the background

Is credit card travel insurance enough, or should you buy a separate policy?

Julia Stratton July 11, 2024

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Close up of a male looking to cancel credit card

How to cancel a credit card

Julia Stratton July 11, 2024

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Image of the Wealth Simple Cash Card in front of green ribbon and gold coins

Wealthsimple Cash Card Review

Julia Stratton July 11, 2024

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Drawing of a crowd of protestors with one person front and centre with a megaphone

How will the CRA strike impact income tax filing for Canadians?

Julia Stratton July 11, 2024

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Canadian cash laying on debit and mastercard

What is a credit card cash advance?

Julia Stratton July 11, 2024

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